Simply Band aid.

This is a concept where we wanted to contrasts the pay gap in the workforce by showing how far we got regarding developments in big cities, however, the pay gap seems to remain from old times. If our view can change, we can close the gap as well.
Produced with Yve Hogeveen and Theresa Schmitz.

The Atlantic
This concept shows by only using typography the cores of journalism: to be a vessel of truth.

Tiffany & Co.
Jewelry from Tiffany & Co. remains timeless no matter how time changes roles, wording and attitudes so this is a play on the language of love for the modern traditionalist.
Produced with Yve Hogeveen
Nasa uses Slack, which means if Slack is good enough for NASA it is good for less complex business in cyberspace.
Produced with Yve Hogeveen

To encourage vaginal hygiene we used different textures to show the clean, the fresh and the smooth silky way of the tampon applicator by tampax.